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$13.99 Per Min.
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Shows you how to manifest the future you want
  • Experience: 21 yrs.
  • AskNow Since: 2019
  • Total Readings: 5,937
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Languages: English
  • Categories:
  • Dream Analysis
  • Past Lives
  • Spiritual Guides
  • Love & Relationships
  • Credentials:
  • Energy Channeler, Multi-generational Psychic, Talented Clairvoyant Empath, Energy Healer, Life Coach, Past Lives Readings, Does Not Use Tools

Introducing Devin Starlight, a gifted clairvoyant empath with a lineage steeped in mysticism and healing who has transcended the need of using divination tools.

Devin's extraordinary journey into the world of psychic abilities was inspired and nurtured by his remarkable grandmother, a renowned Cuban santera and healer.

From the vibrant heart of Cuba, Devin's grandmother was celebrated for her profound knowledge of the Santeria tradition, a syncretic blend of African, Caribbean, and Catholic influences. Under her loving guidance, Devin absorbed the ancient wisdom and sacred practices that defined his family's spiritual heritage.

Devin's psychic abilities blossomed with time, and he discovered that he possessed a rare and potent gift: the ability to connect directly with the spiritual realm without the need for divination tools. His connection to Spirit was deeply intuitive and unmediated, allowing him to tap into the universal energies and insights that flowed through him.

Today, Devin is recognized as a clairvoyant empath who channels his extraordinary information and healing abilities from the ethereal world. His readings and consultations are a pure, unfiltered conduit to the spiritual realm, providing profound clarity and guidance to those who seek his counsel.

Devin's approach is marked by authenticity and reverence for the mystical traditions passed down through generations. He has cultivated a reputation for his unwavering commitment to helping others find solace, healing, and enlightenment through his innate abilities.

With every interaction, Devin continues to honor his grandmother's legacy while forging his path as a respected clairvoyant empath. His unique gift, nurtured by ancestral wisdom and direct communion with Spirit, offers a profound source of insight, healing, and transformation for those who are fortunate enough to cross his path. Devin remains a guiding light in the world of psychic intuition, demonstrating the enduring power of ancestral knowledge and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

  • ANGELAC0708 11/06/2024
  • Devin is amazing and very good at what he does. I am so grateful to have him in my life.
  • ANGELAC0708 10/25/2024
  • Devin is amazing and so grateful to have him in my life. The new one is a libra too.
  • PATA1008 06/02/2024
  • Devin is the BEST. He is a real deal. Waiting for his prediction to come true. I know it will because I believe in his reading.
  • PATA1008 05/28/2024
  • Devin is my go to counselor. He never sugar coat anything and he tell you what he sees. I have been reading with him for over 3 years now. I received the news to validate what he said on our last reading. He is the BEST. Thank you my friend for always there for me.
  • BARBARAQNTR 05/22/2024
  • He is my absolutely favorite. It is amazing how he can pick up on details around my situation that save me. As long as he's on this site, I will seek his guidance.
February 2025
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Sun., Feb. 9, 2025
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* $1 a min / 5 mins free is for new customers with the purchase of an introductory package.