Money and the future are mingling in the stars, and perhaps they should be in your mind as well. When's the last time you gave some thought to planning your longer-term finances? And when's the last time you paid more than the minimum on your credit card bill -- or even made a deposit into your savings or retirement account? Put your practical side to work: a book, a banker or a friend can help.
Love's not simple as this week begins. If you're struggling, try to stop and tune in instead. You can't be too aware of the elements in your interactions now; clues and cues abound, with others letting you know how they feel in ways they might not even be aware of. What you're learning can really come together starting sometime Thursday, and opportunities for a change of heart and a more fulfilling future are there for the taking over the next few days. Can you translate your big ideas into a better reality? Just tuck that ego away on Sunday -- someone's got an even better idea!
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Intermittent vibrations of Saturn are emphasized when the Moon is in Capricorn, bringing forth the principle of contraction following Jupiter's expansive influence in Sagittarius. A lessening of the urgency towards Spiritual and intellectual interests is experienced. This is a materialistic time, with an awareness of personal comfort, work and duty. While pursuing status and financial security, people might become insensitive, even unsympathetically cruel, but from necessity rather than animosity. The Saturn influence of Capricorn causes pessimism or negativity to creep in. Remember that Capricorn energy is sluggish. It is a time for diligently applying yourself to tasks while living solely in the present. Capricorn rules the knees, teeth, bones and skin.
This can be a wildly tumultuous time, emotional, and introspective. You may recognize that the new beginnings you are making must also increase personal security to be worthwhile over the long haul. Get in touch with your gut instincts and begin to guide your life more deliberately, with an awareness of using your "6th sense" as well as your enthusiasm. Obstacles may emerge that require you to reevaluate how to better integrate yourself into your surroundings.