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Daily Horoscope



April 20 - May 20

  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Green
  • Stone: Emerald

Fri, 1/17

Planning your next romantic move can be a blast, but try not to get too caught up in the details of everything -- you will drive yourself crazy trying to get everything to line up perfectly. This person is up for anything, and doesn't want you to be stressed. The first step toward intimacy can only be made when both people let down their guards and are prepared to show themselves for who they are -- warts and all. Just create a loose plan and the two of you can wing it.

Week of Mon, 1/13 to Sun, 1/19

A romantic issue that had you on edge just doesn't seem like that big of a deal at the beginning of the week -- you're feeling good and that's what matters. Just be aware that around Wednesday, your agenda in the love department may be a bit different than someone else's. Getting on the same page is key for forward motion. Your emotions are like wild horses on Friday and Saturday, and that makes being around you exciting for the right person, but perhaps just plain scary for a timid type. By Sunday, you're settling down to a tamer mood, and you'll want some time alone to think it all over.

Your Lucky Numbers for Today are:

23 34 37 42 44 58

Your Lucky Numbers for the Week of Mon, 1/13 to Sun, 1/19

6 7 23 50 51 58

Today's Feelings

How's your day going? Scale of 1 to 5, 5 being best.







Today's Compatible Sign for Friendship


Today's Compatible Sign for Love

Lunar Sign


Lunar Sign:

Romance ignites, and affection and recognition are yearned for while the Moon is in Leo. A need to feel admired can be so strong that it may result in unusually dramatic behavior. Leo is ruled by the Sun, making this a time of ambition, independence and leadership. Personal boundaries and limitations become stretched. The Moon in Leo is a time of enjoyment and warmth and a time to show kindness and generosity to others. Leo rules the heart and upper spine.

Lunar Phase

Full Moon

Lunar Phase:
Full Moon

Suddenly, you get out of your own way, and gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you truly want is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Commonly, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you "see" what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the "same ole, same ole" -- rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it's time to dream big, and take creative action to realize those dreams.

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