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Daily Horoscope



January 20 - February 18

  • Ruling Planet: Uranus
  • Element: Air
  • Color: Violet
  • Stone: Amethyst

Sun, 2/9

Today a new opportunity for upward mobility will arrive on the scene bright and early. Don't wait too long to address it -- the good fortune pendulum is swinging back your way, and it's bound to swing away again before you know it. Reach out and grab this chance, even if you don't feel completely prepared. This sunnier weather in your professional universe will put you on a path to a bigger, fancier lifestyle full of complicated changes.

Week of Mon, 2/3 to Sun, 2/9

Try to find an emotional outlet on Monday or Tuesday -- and make sure it's not your significant other if you're coupled up. Plan to run, dance, cry, scream or do anything else that gets your rather wild energy out. Then, voila! You're all set for the best days for love this week: Wednesday and Thursday. The stars are sending some energy of a more passionate sort your way on those days -- how will you use it? Love is definitely still in season. This weekend, emotional and physical health go hand-in-hand -- get plenty of rest and exercise to do your heart a world of good.

Your Lucky Numbers for Today are:

6 14 36 50 51 58

Your Lucky Numbers for the Week of Mon, 2/3 to Sun, 2/9

6 14 40 43 52 58

Today's Feelings

How's your day going? Scale of 1 to 5, 5 being best.







Today's Compatible Sign for Friendship


Today's Compatible Sign for Love

Lunar Sign


Lunar Sign:

Lunar influences are most easily expressed when focused through Cancer, since the Moon is its ruler. With its huge pull, the Moon greatly influences the personality, the subconscious, and the emotions, molding instinctual behavior. When the Moon is in Cancer, strong emotions prevail over reason. Be cautious not to emotionally wound others or allow yourself to be wounded, as this is a particularly vulnerable time. In general, people will be passive, easy-going, sentimental, loving and nurturing. But beware: this maternal expression of caring is often expressed with food and it is tempting to over-indulge. Cancer is a nurturing sign and the most fertile sign of the zodiac, ruling the breasts and stomach. With the Moon in Cancer, it is a good time for creating life.

Lunar Phase

Waxing Gibbous

Lunar Phase:
Waxing Gibbous

Self-sabotage and distractions will attempt to thwart your goal. Analysis is favored, reevaluating all the various factors you are dealing with. Be deliberate in your thinking and effectively integrate your aims with the people in your immediate environment. This is a good time for organizing things. This Moon Phase is suited to synthesis: coming up with a practical plan for getting from point A to point B. Be flexible.

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