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Unexplained Phenomena Articles

Top Three Infamous Cases of Stigmata

Top Three Infamous Cases of Stigmata

Christianity thrives around the globe, with over one-third of the world population practicing the teachings of Christ. Stigmata are characterized by marks corresponding to the wounds of Christ during crucifixion on the hands, wrists, feet, and head. Christian followers that bear the stigmata are considered to be blessed and holy. Some skeptics say these wounds and marks are nothing but a self-inflicted hoax; however, some staunch believers trust the markings are a direct communication from Christ. Read on to find out about the top infamous cases of the stigmata!

3. Marie Rose Ferron

Women experience over 75% of all documented stigmata. Marie Rose Ferron is considered the first person to bear the stigmata in the United States during the early 20th century. As a very young child, Rose was pious and dedicated to the teachings of Christ and had already started to experience vibrant visions regularly. It is said that Jesus taught Rose a French prayer that she recited every day until her death.

By the time she was 24, she had begun to experience intense pain in addition to her stigmata markings that rendered her incapacitated. She suffered crippling pain and reported that her wounds would turn purple and ooze an unidentifiable liquid. Finally, just before her 34th birthday, at the age of 33, Rose passed away both blind and deaf.

2. Padre Pio

Born just before the turn of the 20th century, Padre Pio would become one of the most infamous and documented cases of the stigmata. By age five, Pio reported seeing the Sacred Heart of Jesus apparition. From that point forward, he dedicated his entire life to being a pious follower of Christ. Shortly after that, visions of the Virgin Mary would appear to Pio, and he began communicating directly with his guardian angels.

In his early 20s, Padre Pio began showing signs of stigmata on both hands along with intense pain. However, the wounds would disappear and reappear over his lifetime and never became infected despite being primarily exposed. Eventually, to curb the large crowds and speculation over his stigmata injuries, Padre Pio wore white fingerless gloves until his death. When he passed away, his hands were said to be miraculously “unblemished.”

1. St. Francis of Assisi

Born in Italy, I'm 1181, St. Francis is the first in history reported to be blessed with the stigmata. But, unlike the others on this list, St. Francis was not always pious. It wasn't until he was jailed for his drunkenness and violence that he started receiving visions from God in jail. After his release, St. Francis dedicated his life to Christ, repairing the church and living a life of poverty.

In 1224, St. Francis undertook the ultimate devotion and began a 40-day fast. During his fast, he was visited by a six-winged angel who appeared while he prayed. He then received his stigmata markings shortly after. Unfortunately, the pain associated with his wounds contributed to his death a mere two years later.

The world may never know the validity of the stigmata; however, you cannot deny that many worldwide and across time have reported mysterious and magical symptoms that continue to shock and awe.

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