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Monster Spotlight: Bigfoot

Monster Spotlight: Bigfoot

Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, or the Abominable Snowman—no matter what the name, these mythical, large, and ape-like creatures have been spotted across the globe for thousands of years. The mystery of Bigfoot captures the imagination and haunts the dreams of many and proves to remain a popular mainstay of North American folklore. Read on to discover this mysterious and captivating creature.

What Does a Bigfoot Look Like?

Most sightings claim the creatures are covered in black, dark brown, or red fur. At approximately six to nine feet tall, these menacing creatures reportedly have a human-like faces, sometimes with glowing yellow or red eyes. However, the distinctive “eyeshine” is not a characteristic of humans or apes. Instead, it is observed only in animals such as owls, raccoons, opossums, and cats, leading to the profound mystery surrounding the creature and what it could be. Several sightings also detail an overpowering, rank smell that covers the area a Bigfoot is witnessed to have been.

The History and Origins of Bigfoot

Many indigenous cultures across North America have elaborate tales about large, hair-covered creatures roaming the surrounding forests. In some areas of the United States, ancient cave drawings depict these beings and are said to emit high-pitched screams and steal livestock and hunted game. Some ancient tales detail other strange behaviors, such as wood-knocking and intentionally twisted foliage. Foliage thought to be touched by a Bigfoot would feature distinctive patterns no other animal could copy. Although these behaviors seem strange, the neighboring tribes respected them as a means of marking territory.

Famous Sightings and Evidence

Jumping forward to more modern times, British explorer David Thompson is credited with the first set of reputable Sasquatch footprints found near Jasper, Alberta, in 1811. In his published journals, Thompson described the prints as measuring about fourteen inches in length and eight inches wide, with a small nail at the end of each toe. In the following decades, more prints were found in increasing numbers, further growing the mystery around the sightings.

Bigfoot's celebrity reached a frightening peak with the Patterson-Gimlin film in 1967. Shot in color but without sound, this film remains one of the most convincing evidence of Bigfoot. Hunting near Orleans, California, two men spotted the creature approximately 25 feet away, crossing an open field when they began filming. Lasting less than one minute, the film clearly shows the eerie, human-like movements of the creature and other physical attributes. Many skeptics have tried to debunk the film with no success.

The source of countless documentaries and other media, the belief in a mythical and human-like ape remains as strong as ever. Many Bigfoot supporters suggest that the creatures are the missing link between apes and homo sapiens, while others suspect something more paranormal at work. Whatever the specifics, the folktales and sightings of Bigfoot continue to capture our imaginations and show no signs of subsiding any time soon.

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