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Tarot Articles

How to Ask Your Tarot the Right Questions

How to Ask Your Tarot the Right Questions

The world does not exist in black and white—neither should the questions you pose to your tarot. Your tarot reading begins before the cards are shuffled and pulled; they start with your intentions and, more specifically, your questions. It’s a mistake to feel that your reading is entirely out of your hands. Transform your tarot readings into a more insightful and productive experience by learning how to formulate, phrase, and more effectively present your questions. The more intentionally thought out the question, the better tarot can illuminate the answers.

Say No to Yes/No Questions

A simple “yes” and “no” might cut to the heart of most of your tarot questions; however, this is not the correct way to engage with the wisdom of the tarot. Situations, destinies, worldly emotions, and individual experiences are far too nuanced to be reduced to a simple “yes” or “no” answer. As you approach your reading, take the time to process your questions slowly and intentionally, and ask yourself what type of guidance you seek in that specific moment. You’ll find that this extends beyond a simple one-word answer.

The world of tarot is complex and built out of elaborate symbolism and associations. Just one card can produce an endless amount of interpretation, and if you add more cards to the mix with different spreads, your answers become even more intricate. Treat your questions with the same amount of complexity.

Say Yes to Open-ended Questions and Intentions

Once you’ve decided to ditch the simple route—how do you begin to formulate questions conducive to more elaborate messages? Below are examples of how to frame your questions for the ultimate reading, one that is willing and ready to provide guidance to your answers and highlight multiple possibilities.

1) Broaden the Possibilities: Again, think of the tarot as less of a magic eight ball and more of an all-seeing mentor. Allow your questions to lead to multiple points of view and various paths. The tarot will uncover, support, and mentor a sound and informed choice.

2) Keep an Intentional Focus on Yourself: Never lose focus of your tarot reading's most crucial component: yourself. The guidance you seek in the tarot should always focus on what you can control and never attempt to control others' actions and decisions.

3) Take Ownership and Accountability: Yes, there is such thing as fate, but that does not mean that what happens to you is entirely out of the realm of your control. Instead of asking, “Will I win the lottery,” instead ask, “What are steps that I can take to secure myself financially.” The cards can and will show you the path.

For thousands of years, we have relied on the wisdom of the tarot to guide us through the most critical moments of our lives. Take the time to intentionally engage with the cards to achieve your most illuminating readings––your future will thank you!

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