What Is Spiritual Love?

Some individuals may get spiritual love confused with the romantic love that is generally formed between two people in a budding relationship. Spiritual love is not to be mistaken with lust or a desperate need to have another individual by our side. Spiritual love is a form of love that is something that is felt within the mind and heart and it is an unselfish kind of love. Many of us have heard about the spiritual power of love, but it doesn’t mean we understand it.
Spiritual love has nothing to do with the possession of anything or anyone and it has nothing to do with chemistry, instincts or intense displays of affection. It is something that takes a hold of our inner emotions and causes us to perform unselfish acts of love and kindness. There is no need for others to give us anything in return, nor offer us anything of any kind when we feel spiritual love. There is no obligation set from either side. It is simply an unselfish, genuine and beautiful form of pure love.
A Pure Form of Love
Many individuals believe that spiritual love is the purest form of love and energy. It is believed to be the creative spirit showing itself within us and it is thought to be free of any expectations. Because this form of love is so pure and does not hold any expectations, it offers individuals the opportunity to bond together on a more spiritual and deeper level.
How Can This Affect a Personal Relationship?
Imagine being in a relationship that has no underlying expectations. You are both accepted just as you are and that is where the love stems from. Imagine never being told you have to change or have a partner try to mold you into something you are not. This is spiritual love. It is the truest form and does not include materialistic items or false actions. It only offers acceptance.
How to Achieve Spiritual Love
If you truly want to embrace the power of spiritual love, you need to love yourself first. Unconditional love starts from within and then shines outward. Give yourself the love that you would like to offer another person. Treat yourself well, with respect and be kind to yourself. Avoid negative thinking and pulling yourself apart when times get rough or when life throws you curveballs.
Instead of placing someone else on a pedestal, place yourself on it and treat yourself with the same treatment you would like to give to another. Only when you give yourself that pure form of love, can you offer it to another. Once our ego is stripped away and we find love within our own hearts, the sooner we will find that spiritual love has entered our hearts.
Most of us came from a family that laid expectations on us from the day we graced the world with our presence. It is normal for families to have high hopes and dreams for their children, but often these dreams get forced upon the child, asking them to leave their own dreams behind, causing them to lose their creative spirit. If we hold onto our personal dreams, be our authentic selves on a daily basis and live our lives with unconditional love in our hearts, we can then experience spiritual love.