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Spirituality & Meaning Articles

Intuition Vs. Instinct: How to Trust Your Gut

Intuition Vs. Instinct: How to Trust Your Gut

Do you make decisions based on your head or your heart? Is your gut always trying to tell you something? You may be experiencing strong messages from deep within you. However, are your intuitions and instincts the same thing? How do they differ, and when should you trust them? It might be a little scary to give in to sensations from within. However, our intuitions are some of the most valuable and dependable spiritual guides. Read on for tips on sharpening your intuition or taking the leap into their wisdom entirely. Your future prospects will be thankful!

How do Intuition and Instinct Differ?

It might be helpful to think of instinct in purely scientific terms. Our instincts are hardwired rules we follow as a species due to generations of evolution. An example of a human instinct could be our fear of reptiles. Due to this fear, we act in such a way as to avoid dangerous things. Our intuition, however, is unexplained feelings that dictate our perspectives and choices. The word “unexplained” may seem untrustworthy, but consider that this means it cannot be explained by science or any physical means. Our intuitive feelings are just as real; the difference is that they don’t occur after conscious thought. Instead, intuition begins in our subconscious.

What Does It Mean to Be Intuitive?

Now that we know where our intuitive feelings come from, how do we learn to trust them in our everyday lives? Being intuitive means that we know how to pay attention. Our instincts are ruled by fear-based culture, which tells us to try to control things. If you learn to let go and pay attention to your intuition, you might find alternative paths made out of other sensations other than fear. Instead, you might learn to make choices based on confidence, curiosity, or joy. The more you tune in, the more inner knowing is unlocked.

How to Tune In

There are some surefire ways to sharpen your intuitive skills to be on your way to better paths laid out by your inner wisdom.

  • 1. Meditate: Messages from within can often be subtle. Setting a quiet environment for your mind will help it become more receptive to these feelings.
  • 2. Listen to Your Dreams: Our dreams are portals to our subconscious. If you want to learn to trust your wisdom, start a dream journal and get to know the symbolism from within.
  • 3. Get Creative: We often disregard our creativity and our feelings in today's world. Give your emotions room to run and make creative activities a priority.
  • 4. Connect with Nature: After all, we come from Mother Earth. If you want to step up your intuition game, spend time outdoors connecting with natural sources.

We all have the answers within us. But, if we learn to let go of our hesitance to trust our inner knowledge, a life worthy of confident and joyful paths will unfold for you!

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