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Spirituality & Meaning Articles

Are You an Indigo Child?

Are You an Indigo Child?

You may have heard of indigo children, but have you ever considered that you or someone you know could be one of the chosen ones? In a world that has lost its deep sense of spirituality and path to enlightenment—the indigo child is placed among us to realign humanity with our mystical roots and destinies. Although the idea of indigo children went mainstream in the 1970’s—there have always been accounts of groups of individuals whose primary purpose is to awaken humanity and insight change throughout the history of civilization. So, is this your mission too? Find out!

What Is an Indigo Child?

Indigo children are light-bearers and fearless leaders placed among us to awaken humanity spiritually. This may sound earth-shattering; however, an indigo child’s impression can also be small, direct, and intentional. Most are free-thinkers and are often on the fringe of friend groups and society at large. Due to their extreme sensibilities, they can find it difficult to “fit in” to ordinary social situations and are frequently misdiagnosed by Western medicine. Indigo children most likely communicate with a wide array of spiritual guides and can see past and future visions.

Our current sense of ‘reality’ is continuously shifting, and this can become overwhelming, frustrating, and hopeless. It is challenging to stay on a steady path of our personal and universal truths when we are uncertain what is real and merely an illusion. Indigo children specifically highlight the ultimate spiritual truth and reality for humanity to see where we are being deceived. As we grow older, we are more susceptible to lies, half-truths, and sugar-coatings of facts. Indigo children will encourage us to see past these deceptions and realign us with our spiritual purpose.

Top Signs of Indigo Children

1) You are highly creative- In our everyday lives, it seems like creativity consistently takes the backseat. If you are an indigo child, you’ve always had a strong artistic sense of the world around you and express yourself creatively every chance you get.

2) You are a free-thinker and non-conformist- Due to the world being full of deceptions, the indigo child can always see past illusions. This requires a strong sense of thinking freely and also not conforming to the norms of modern society.

3) You communicate with guides and spirits- The indigo child is highly spiritually sensitive. If you think you may have the gift, you likely receive communication from guides and spirits and intense visions of the past and future.

4) You have a strong relationship with nature- Indigo children are empaths who feel a profound connection to nature surrounding our modern world.

5) You are an old soul- It may seem like the phrase indigo “children” means that they are young souls. The indigo child has lived several lifetimes and has profound wisdom of the spiritual plane.

If you feel like you do not belong in modern society yet have the wisdom and spiritual sensitivity to change the world—you may be an indigo child.

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