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Spirituality & Meaning Articles

A Beginner's Guide to Chaos Magick

A Beginner's Guide to Chaos Magick

The beautiful thing about magic is that it can take on infinite forms; however, this fact makes it that much harder to pin down with a formal definition. To simplify the definition across spiritualities—magic is a set of practices that use action or effort to alter the outside world. Chaos magick is the new kid on the scene in terms of magical practices, and below you will find out what makes this particular variation unique. Read on to learn why chaos magick is less about spiritual “chaos” and more about spiritual “control.”

The Difference Between “Magic” and “Magick”

You may have noticed the extra “k” added to the word “magic” when discussing chaos magick, which is not a typo! The renowned occultist Aleister Crowley wanted to differentiate between stage magic and other spiritual practices by adding the extra letter. The “magick” makeover highlighted that magick does not need to be metaphysical to be “true” in nature.

Magic, in this sense, is less about pulling a rabbit out of a hat and more about the person's free will to fulfill their ultimate purpose through magick. Through a new word, Crowley attempts to give it more profound, more nuanced meanings and possibilities.

“Nothing Is True; Everything Is Permitted”

When we think about ancient practices, there tends to be a set form or structure that is passed down through literature or verbally to present and future generations. Magic in this sense is prescribed, and there is very little wiggle room to personalize ritual and practice. Chaos magick is the opposite of this and embraces the uniqueness of the practitioner. Someone who practices chaos magick will likely draw from various traditions and use what feels right for them. The focus in chaos magick is not on frivolous ceremonies but on practical tools to form solid relationships within our practice.

As the Assassin's Creed motto states, “Nothing is true; everything is permitted.” With this, we learn that there is no one “universal truth” for everyone—just as there is no one universal magical practice. Thus, with chaos magick, we can understand that there are no requirements for our faith, actions, or thoughts—everything is permitted.

You Still Have to Know What You Are Doing, Though

So, chaos magick might feel a little like “anything goes”; however, there are still some parameters to your chaos magick practice. The word “practice” is crucial. Since chaos magick relies on various tools, you will need to do some trial and error with different rituals and devices to produce the results you need. It will take time and also plenty of mistakes to hone and sharpen your practice.

There may be some fear in the unknown, but through fear, you get courage. There may be some mistakes through practice, but through practice you get results. Chaos magick is a spiritual world that allows you to connect more deeply to the magick within you, so it can reverberate outward and gain the results that you need!

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