Touching Upon Psychometry

Clairvoyant abilities are amazing and varied. Some clairvoyant people sense auras, some can sense past or future events, some use crystals and some use Psychometry.
Psychometry mostly entails touching an inanimate object, such as an article of clothing or jewelry and getting a sensory experience that relates to the people and places associated with the object. All objects consist of vibrations and cells and these vibrations can be translated more clearly when intensified cellular memory is a factor. Extra affinity for the objects by previous wearers or dramatic events that happened near those objects can all strengthen their cellular memory.
Infrared cameras can detect a heat or energy you leave behind. If you were holding a cell phone and then you put it down, the infrared would still pick up your energy on the phone. This energy can be transmitted quickly, so to leave an impression upon objects, long exposure isn’t necessary.
Those well versed in Psychometry can give detailed descriptions about the proprietors of objects, sort of like profiling them. This isn’t always done in cases when a mystery needs to be solved or missing persons need to be found. Some people just want to know what their ancestors were like. A Psychometry reading can provide very unexpected information. People have found out they had relations they previously didn’t know about. Some individuals even find out about hidden money or properties that their ancestors kept a secret. People that used to discover gold and other minerals were often thought to be using Psychometry.
Some that are adept in the use of Psychometry can literally feel the physical pain or distress that the person originally associated with an object felt. Those with this concentrated ability do very well in the field of medicine. In fact, many believe most physicians in ancient times were using Psychometry on the human body instead of objects, as it were. Present day physicians certainly would not be quick to reveal such practices in western society, but Psychometry usage in various parts of the world is still commonplace.
Psychometry experts report that they get impressions in one hand, which they consider their “receptive” hand. Most right-handed people have receptive left hands and vice versa. Many believe that gifted palmists or palm readers are actually practicing Psychometry, getting vibes from touching a person’s hand rather than interpreting the map of lines imprinted on them. It could very well be a combination of both. Some Astrologists say they get more information from a chart after the client has touched it, which can point to Astrologers also using Psychometry.
Psychometry practitioners often can just sense things from objects, but some actually become “remote viewers” upon touching an object. This means they can see a scene involving someone who touched the object as clearly as if they were there witnessing it in person. These practitioners are often consulted in missing persons (or pets) situations, but they can just as easily be found at antique shows consulting for appraisals.