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Psychics & Mediums Articles

Historic Celebrities and Their Psychics

Historic Celebrities and Their Psychics

Abraham Lincoln is perhaps the president best known for consulting psychics. Some of this may because of his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, who had an avid interest in "spiritualism,” visiting mediums and holding séances at the White House. Her interest began after the death of their 11-year-old son, “Willie.” The president took a passing interest in the phenomena and then joined in on a more regular basis.

Other presidents who have been known to visit the other side: George Washington was believed to have seen an apparition of a women at Valley Forge, who foretold the progress of the U.S. Franklin Roosevelt consulted psychics about international affairs after WWII and Woodrow Wilson was interested in predictions of his death.

Financier, railroad and steel magnate John Pierpont Morgan was apparently a fan of psychics. He said, “Millionaires don’t use psychics. Billionaires do.”

Oil tycoon H.L. Hunt consulted psychic and astrologer Jeane Dixon before purchasing certain real estate. She warned him about some property in California that would suffer an oil spill.

Well-known L.A. psychic Kenny Kingston says that his famous clients have included Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe and even John Wayne. He also claims he also provided psychic info to the Duchess and Duke of Windsor. According to Kingston, the Duke “didn't want a reading; he accepted it for her sake. “On one occasion when we finished, a gold frame was on the table.” She said, "Please take it." Kingston says he put a photographer of his mother in the frame.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono kept a tarot reader and clairvoyant named John Green (they called him John Swan, the Oracle) on retainer, paying him $25,000 a year and providing him with a Manhattan apartment, rent free. Yoko was said to consult Green almost every day, and frequently in the middle of the night for unforeseen crises. Lennon was also a student of numerology and believed that number 9 played an important role in his life.

Green predicted that 1980 (1 + 9 + 8 +0 = 18 / 1 + 8 = 9) would be a big year for Lennon. It was on Oct. 9 that year, Lennon’s 40th birthday, that he released the single “Starting Over” from his new album. Two months later, he was gunned down in front of his Dakota apartment building by Mark David Chapman. The fateful date was Dec. 8. But, as his first wife, Cynthia Lennon, pointed out in her own biography, it was the 9th in the place of his birth, Britain.

Princess Diana was known to need advice from many quarters, including psychics, to help her with her ill-fated marriage to Prince Charles. Diana had met the psychic, Sally Morgan, in the early 1990s, soon after her marriage and spoke with her regularly. Morgan claims to have seen a vision of the “Queen’s funeral” a year before Diana was killed. Morgan later said she realized it was Diana’s death she was seeing because she was “queen of people’s hearts.”

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