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Psychics & Mediums Articles

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Whether you have questions about your future or want to connect with a loved one who has passed from the Earthly realm, a psychic advisor can help you find the answers that you seek. One of the beautiful aspects of a psychic reading is that you can ask anything that your heart desires. This session is your chance to put it all on the table and receive answers to your most pressing concerns and significant questions.

While you should take each advisor's particular gifts and abilities into account before your first session, there are ways that you can improve your reading by asking the right questions. By taking the time to ask the right questions will help the psychic advisor uncover the most accurate answers.

Avoid These Types of Questions

Black-or-White Questions

Don't ask simple yes or no questions, especially about complex life situations that can change due to your free will. Instead, ask broad questions that allow the advisor to delve into the complexities of your circumstances. If you keep asking yes or no questions, you may miss out on crucial insights that arise as the advisor explores your actual question.

Gotcha Questions

Why are you spending your time and money consulting a psychic if you are simply trying to trap them with "gotcha questions." Keep in mind, a truly valuable psychic reading isn't a calendar filled with dates, times and names of future events. Instead of asking these "gotcha questions" spend your time asking exploratory questions that can help you understand your inner heart, the motivations of others in your life and likely outcomes of critical decisions.

Quick Questions

There should be no quick questions for a psychic, and you should never try to rush the reading by asking weak questions. An intimate connection with a psychic can take time to establish, but will ultimately serve you best in the end. You can't rush this experience and taking shortcuts with your questions will rob you of complete answers.

Already-Been-Answered Questions

While a psychic reading can help you determine if you're on the right path or what you can do to get on the right track, you don't want to waste the experience asking questions that already have answers.

Leading Questions

You want to ask the psychic a direct question so that they can address your concerns, but you don't want to lead them to a specific answer. By asking leading questions, instead of direct questions, you could throw off the reading, and you may hear what you want the answer to be, instead of the answer.

By putting careful thought and consideration into the phrasing of the questions that you ask a psychic, you are honoring their talents and ensuring that you get accurate answers. While you should be careful to ask open-ended questions and direct questions about the areas of concern, you should never be afraid to ask a psychic a question because they are there to help, not judge.

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