Karma: How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

Do you ever feel that certain aspects of your life feel "destined" or "written"? You may be experiencing karma from past lives without even knowing it! Karma is the memory from our past lives carried into our current manifestations. Our karma transfers good and bad past actions into new circumstances and situations in your present. If you are struggling with a difficulty in your life, consider if it may be caused by lingering karma and find out how to transform it to make it right!
Karma Is a Constant
It is a comforting thought that karma might go away eventually; however, this is not the case. Similar to laws of science—karma, much like energy, can't be destroyed but rather only transformed. Transformation is critical in your current manifestation once you've isolated the results of past life karma. To recognize the aspects of your present life that are the results of your past experiences, take a step back, and think deeply about what reoccurring patterns exist. Whether it be painful or failing relationships or a lack of creativity and motivation, these patterns are direct results of karma. Recognition is the first step, and this takes careful attention.
There Are No Coincidences
Once you've isolated your current life's patterns, now you must see them in a new light. There are no coincidences in our spirit's energy or other energies that you may encounter. This means isolated encounters with strangers and those that are closest to you are all in your life for a particular reason. Instead of letting this make you feel disempowered or feel that you lack control; think: Why is this person here? What lessons am I gaining from their role in my life? Answering these questions is the next step, and you guessed it, it won't be easy, but it will be worth the effort. These answers will most likely not come to you overnight but will instead take routine attention as they develop for your understanding and enlightenment.
How to Use Your Karma for Good
Now that you have some of these answers apply the lessons for your joy and success. Transforming this energy not only will affect you in the now but will also have a lasting chain of influence on your future lives. When you reveal the lessons linked to your spirit, engage with them, and make necessary changes. Transforming these lessons into something more positive will correct and realign your karma for future manifestations. Again, you cannot merely get rid of karma, but you sure can redirect it to move forward confidently and successfully.
That demanding friend or lover is teaching you something. Your difficulty in landing a secure job and fulfilling career is showing you something. Instead of merely allowing these patterns to continue without any intervention, take control over your karmic energy, and transform your future(s)!