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Past Lives Articles

How Discovering Your Past Lives Can Be A Positive Experience

How Discovering Your Past Lives Can Be A Positive Experience

If you believe in past lives and have always wanted to try regression therapy, but you have felt anxious about what might happen afterwards, you are not alone. Many people are curious about their past lives and how they may have affected and created the person they are today. There are a variety of benefits to learning about your past lives and working with a professional who can help you understand the entire experience as a whole.

Opening You Up To New Opportunities

Sometimes when we find out who we have been in our previous lives or how we lived, we might find a new sense of purpose and empowerment in our current lives. If you have been shutting doors and avoiding new opportunities because you think you are not meant for them or not worthy of them, finding out that you were a brave knight, an influential leader or a powerful king in the past could certainly boost your confidence. Discovering your past lives can allow you to look at each new opportunity differently, which may lead you to a more successful journey in this life time.

It Can Promote Healing From Within

If you have lived a troubled life so far, have always felt as though you have no purpose and if you feel that you are doomed to continue this turbulent path, learning of your past lives can change those feelings. If you learn the events of your past lives, you may be able to discover where your current problems have evolved from. This will offer healing and a sense of understanding that you need to grow, accept and move forward.

You Might Tap Into A Hidden Talent

If you learn about your talents in your past lives, you may encounter a new talent in your current life. Maybe you were a popular baker in a village, a medicine man or a great warrior in your past lives. These may be talents that you would never consider or even think of. You could discover that you are a natural in the culinary arts, that medical school might be your calling or that you would be excellent as a fireman or policeman battling flames and evil within our current society.

Less Repetition, More Moving Forward

Another benefit of discovering your past lives is acknowledgement. If you learned that in your past lives you have repeated the same mistake, over and over again, you can then take that new knowledge and stop the same mistake from happening in your current life. Imagine having the power to stop a pattern from forming this time around and breaking the chain forever! This can greatly empower an individual, offering them new insight into their future actions and decisions.

Discovering your past lives can be a positive experience as a whole as it offers great insight and understanding about who you really are, no matter what type of "role" you have in this lifetime. It can increase your level of awareness and inner power when it comes to future decisions and allow you to change and improve yourself over time. Past life regression therapy also gives an individual their power back in a life that may have felt out of control. Claim your life back and discover who you were then and who you are now.

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