Will Love Last After Winter?

Are you confidently single in the warm months of summer, only to find yourself aching to bring a special someone home for the holidays? If so, you are not alone! The latest term for this heightened desire for a relationship is now called “cuffing,” this seasonal relationship phenomenon is anything but new.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if shifting hormones, biological urges or the pure desire to cuddle up in front of a roaring fire on a cold winter’s ignites the spark of romance as long as it leads to a healthy and satisfying relationship. If you are wondering if mutual attraction or cold weather underlies your new relationship, try asking yourself the following questions. You don’t want to let the shortened days and falling temperatures lead you to jump the gun in a relationship that isn’t right for you!
When did the relationship start?
The first sign of a seasonal relationship is that it first started as bathing suit season gave way to pumpkin spice. If your relationship started before Labor Day weekend, it’s a promising sign that it isn’t just a response to shorter days and cooler temperatures.
How public is the relationship?
While you don’t have to be a total exhibitionist, a little bit of PDA can go a long way to proving that your relationship will outlast the winter season. If you’re worried that this romance is all about the winter snuggles, look at your dates. Do you go out on dates in public together, are you acknowledged on social media and have you met each other’s friends and family members? If the answer is no, it’s not looking good that this relationship will last.
How far is the calendar scheduled?
An empty calendar that doesn’t extend beyond the next date is a major red flag that this is only a seasonal relationship at best. Even if you aren’t ready to give up your family’s traditional meal, what if you invite one another over to coffee and dessert after the big meal? If even an hour of family time is too much to contemplate, you shouldn’t be planning a spring break cruise together.
How are you introduced?
Defining a newly established relationship is always tricky. What’s the line between casual dating, not seeing other people and being a committed partner? One great way to determine status is to see what happens when you have to introduce your lover to friends, neighbors or acquaintances that you run into while together. Is there a seamless introduction or is there an awkward pause? Are you introduced by name or ignored altogether? If you are presented to others by your first name only, or even worse, ignored entirely, heed that critical clue and don’t expect to be around for any length of time.
It’s important to remember that not every relationship has to be the great love of your life or stand the test of time. While you may be perfectly happy with a casual relationship during the winter months, don’t be afraid to ask yourself these questions to better understand your relationship and appreciate it for what it is. This knowledge will give you insights you need to make the right choice for your heart.