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Top Three Relationship Red Flags

Top Three Relationship Red Flags

Every new relationship feels full of intensity and endless potential—this is what makes them so exciting in the beginning stages. However, as time passes, relationships meet new challenges that take work, care, and intention to maintain. It isn't uncommon to get swept up into new relationships and allow alarming patterns to pass unnoticed; however, paying attention to your partner and your connection as things develop is essential. Below, find out what to look out for so your heart and relationship have more of a chance to flourish!

Reg Flag One: There Is a Lack of Communication

It might not be rocket science, but it is fundamental to understand that communication is the foundation of our relationships. Romantically, you will want to prioritize your and your partner's ability to communicate freely and clearly. A major red flag is your loved one refusing to reach common ground and using what we call “the silent treatment” to punish you if you are not on the same page.

Your relationship may also be in danger if your partner is taking up all of the space with their feelings and perspectives without allowing you the freedom to express how you feel.

Red Flag Two: A Lack of Trust or Controlling Behavior

No matter how close you are to your partner, it would help to prioritize other non-romantic relationships in your life. All relationships matter and contribute to your overall well-being. For example, suppose your significant other exhibits paranoid behavior regarding your activities or time outside of the relationship. In that case, this may be a sign they are trying to control you and your other connections.

An essential tenet of a healthy relationship is trust. If trust seems challenging to manifest in your relationship, it might be best to examine this openly with your partner before it can become an unfixable problem.

Red Flag Three: Relationships Based on Needing to Be Needed

Relationships are mutually beneficial as they meet our needs and wants on various levels. However, it is a major red flag to enter into a serious relationship solely to meet our needs or to feel you are needed by your significant other. If this seems to be the dominant cause of your relationships, you may ignore the opportunity for growth for yourself and as a unit.

Although romantic connections are some of the most transformative and exciting of our relationships, we must reveal why we enter them before moving forward. For instance, if the connection becomes less and less about supporting each other in growth and happiness, you may need to reevaluate your relationship and determine how to get back on track.

Relationship red flags are intuitive guides for us to evaluate our relationships. However, do not forget that your intuition plays a significant role in spotting and trusting your hunches and gut feelings. If you are attentive and listen to your heart, your romantic connections will go far!

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