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Love & Romance Articles

Settle Down or Stay Single?

Settle Down or Stay Single?

At a certain age, people begin to feel pressure from others to settle down with a long-term partner. But, according to the US Census, the age people are getting married is steadily climbing each year in conjunction with the average life expectancy. So, is it time to tie the knot, or is ridding yourself of your single status something that can wait?

Are you obsessed with getting a ring on your finger, or are you just the opposite and afraid of emotional intimacy? Interestingly, data suggests overall divorce rates are declining in the USA ever since the 1980s. Nonetheless, the typical American marriage lasts seven years or less. Kind of scary either way, right?

Is this fear justified? Perhaps not. Millennials who were raised in a single-parent environment or were the children of parents who got divorced are choosing to cohabit without the formality and institution of marriage. With so many young couples living together and not getting married, this practice is significantly affecting modern divorce rate stats.

In the eyes of the law, common-law marriages are valid in many states. Sometimes this is legally applicable after only one year of sharing a home. The deciding factor usually rests on whether you present yourselves as a married couple to friends and family despite not having a legitimate wedding.

For the 110 million Americans who are lone wolves, settling down can seem like a compromise that is not worth the risk or commitment. It is just that, settling. Single life seems full of freedom, and the only responsibilities a lot of singles may have is taking care of themselves.

But, even for the most introverted and shy folks out there, chronic loneliness is no joke. Humans are incredibly social beings, and when the biological clock starts ticking our hormones can tell us to snag a suitable mate. Maybe even start a family. Or, if not, to find a lifelong and loyal companion for support, comfort, and stability.

So, current relationship status can be a big concern for singles. Life may lack an absolute fullness that comes with being a pair. Friends, first dates, and extended family do not always provide the safety and security one may need. Occasions such as celebrations, personal milestones, holidays, and tough times could be daunting without a romantic partner.

Nevertheless, a rich and full social life is not reserved for singles or to wed couples. It is essential to your well-being find ways to socialize no matter what your romantic life is like. Then you will have other people to acknowledge your times, both good and bad.

Now you know the pros and cons and some vital statistics about being single versus getting married. If you are unhappy with your situation, it is up to you to take steps to achieve your ultimate relationship goals. Do not give in to other people's ideas of what is best for you. Whether it be staying single, living together, common law marriage, or becoming lawfully wed, stay true to you.

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