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Post Relationship Analysis

Post Relationship Analysis

Relationships are hard work, we all know this. They are also unique opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. Often many love experts will tell you not to over-analyze relationships while you are in them. This is wonderful advice. Out of fear, over-analyzing a current relationship can create problems that don’t actually exist. However, if a relationship ends, you can uncover much about yourself as you prepare for the future. Learn to trust your past experiences in relationships as valuable lessons. At the end of the day, the only thing you can change is yourself, and that is a journey worth taking! The following lessons are ones we can all benefit from while analyzing a past relationship.

Your Relationship Did Not “Fail”

If you learn to reframe your idea of what a relationship is supposed to accomplish, you can start to trust the advice it is giving you. Relationships are never failures. Of course, it might be hard to view them in this way. For many, the end of a relationship can feel much like a death of a certain part of who you are. With death, there is always a rebirth, and sometimes relationships exist to teach us valuable lessons in learning to let go to embrace a better version of you.

You Are A Better Communicator

Relationships are always unique. They help bring you out of your shell to meet the other person halfway. Even if this relationship did not last, you can still take away experiences you had learning to navigate other people’s needs with your own. These experiences are never something you can unlearn! You’ve become more expressive and more in tune with yourself and what you need out of your interactions with others.

You Are More Empathetic

At the end of the day, we all want to be happy. What each person needs to get there will always be different. With each relationship you enter, you learn the delicate game of give and take. This always involves a lesson in empathy and putting yourself in your partner’s shoes. It’s okay if this is not a compromise you are able to make forever. Your time trying is a sign that you are growing in your ability to empathize. 

You Are More Resilient

If relationships were easy, they all would last. With each new relationship experience, we give a lot of ourselves up in order to make things work. This is a tough job that makes us more resilient people. The more you come to face the things that you do not want or the things that are unhealthy, the more clearly you see the things that you need. The more you know and understand about yourself, the more you are able to demand out of future relationships. Do not take anything less!

The end of a relationship will always be difficult to see past at first. When the initial hurt of a breakup fades, the experiences that you had with that other person benefited your growth. Taking what you learned, your future relationships will continue to improve–romantic and otherwise.

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