How to Rock a First Date

First thing is first, congratulate yourself! You worked up the courage to ask out your crush, accepted an invitation to go on a blind date, or decided to take a risk and try in-person dating after a long dating dry spell. Whatever your story, you should feel excited about this new opportunity to find love.
The dating field looks far different than it did even a mere ten years ago, and there is much information on where to go, how to act, and how to follow up on a first date. However, one thing remains the same; we live in a world full of first impressions. So read on to cut through some of the noise and step out into your first date confident and ready for the ride!
Tip One: Do Your Research and Remain Curious
Preparation is key. The first step to a stellar first date is to dig a little into the hobbies and interests of your date. For example, if they are into music, perhaps choose an indoor or outdoor music venue. This is two-fold. You will know what conversation starters to incorporate during the first moments, and this will also communicate to your date that you are interested in who they are—a great first impression! Remember: be interesting by being interested.
Tip Two: Learn How to Let Go and Be Yourself
You can control the amount of research that goes into your date; however, once the date starts, that's when anything can happen. Few things are more attractive than a person who can keep an open mind. Also, don't lose your sense of humor; use any twist or turn the night may take to showcase exactly who you are. One of the main reasons why first dates are so exciting is that you don't know entirely what to expect, so relax and let the night take you places you may not have imagined.
Tip Three: Mind Your Body Language
It's easy to plan what to say; however, our bodies sometimes have minds of their own! When you are on your first date, tune into your body language to communicate as clearly as possible. If you are feeling it, position your body towards them, keep a smile on your face as they talk, and keep eye contact (in moderation.) It might be off-putting not to divert your gaze occasionally but be sure to let your date feel like they are the only one in the room.
Tip Four: Follow Up but Leave the Ball in Their Court
So, did the date feel satisfying and exciting? Then, it is time to follow up. Give it a day or two, but don't wait too long to express your interest without being too obvious. You can incorporate details from the date or fulfill a promise to provide book and movie recommendations to reach out and relay you are still thinking about your encounter. From there, fate is at play. Allow your date the space to respond and tune into the natural flow of your conversation that will hopefully include second date ideas!
First dates can be intimidating, but with the right mindset and tools, they can turn into fun and unforgettable experiences. With some prep and intention, go into the night and see what surprises await you!