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How to Find a Soulmate Who Shares Your Goals and Dreams

How to Find a Soulmate Who Shares Your Goals and Dreams

If you are still looking for your soulmate, and you really want to find someone who shares your dreams and goals, you have to make a solid effort to find them. This entails going to the right places, talking to the right types of people, and communicating the right vibes. Your soulmate might have already crossed your path a few times, but because of your energy or place in life, you might have missed them all together.

We all hope to find a soulmate that has a lot in common with us such as values, morals and general characteristics. Only those who make a conscious effort in their search will find theirs.

What Are Your Goals?

Before you start hunting down your soulmate, define your goals. You need to be extremely clear about what your goals are before you start looking for someone who shares the same ones. Do you want to have a family one day? Do you want to run a large company? Do you want to invest in real estate at some point? Do you want to travel the world when you are 50?

Make a list of all of your goals. Once you have your list you can attend workshops, networking events or groups that include people with the same goals as you. When you start networking and communicating with new acquaintances, it is easier to identify the things you might have in common. Your soulmate may be waiting there for you.

What Dreams Do You Have?

Dreams are different from goals, and if you want another human being to share your future and your dreams, you need to be clear about what they are. Do you dream of getting married one day? Do you dream of retiring to a Caribbean island? Do you dream of winning the lottery? Discussing your dreams can be a lot of fun when you meet someone new, and if you share some of these dreams, you just might be a match.

Spend some time daydreaming and write down your top three dreams. The next time you are at a party or social event, you can ask other potential soulmates what type of dreams they have and see if you connect. This type of discussion can also be a great ice breaker when you find yourself attracted to someone.

Look at Where You Hang Out

Maybe it’s time to change your hangout venues and places you frequent on weekends. Chances are you are not going to spot your soulmate in a noisy club or rowdy bar. If you are serious about your search for a soulmate who shares your same goals and dreams, start choosing places that offer a chance for conversation such as an art class, coffee shop or bookstore.

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