Find Romance in the Little Things

A lack of romance in your daily life can quickly lead to stagnant behavior and complacency in regards to your partnership. This can make the relationship seem boring and it can lead to one or both of the partners to feel like they are being ignored. Unfortunately, more often than not, people start to take each other for granted after being in each other’s company for a while. One such instance is the case of couples who spend a great deal of time together inside the home.
Everybody knows romantic relationships are not perfect all the time. But what can be done to combat this and keep the not so niceties at bay? Sometimes problems begin when a partner’s romantic needs are not being met. At times, it can seem almost impossible to both do chores and be romantic, but it is just the opposite. Consider this: certain things in life must be done on a daily basis. So, why not do your best to make these activities more romantic?
If you both have to shower in the morning, why not hop in and suds up at the same time? This is a great way to start the day with each other in mind. Whether you and your partner have a steamy conversation, share a laugh or a massage, grooming does not have to be an unpleasant or tedious task when you have the company of the one you love.
Using teamwork to get the cleaning, organizing and straightening done not only saves time, so there is more time left over for the bedroom, it can be a bonding experience too. Washing and drying dishes together usually means you will be standing in close proximity of one another, which creates a more intimate environment, so this can be a particularly good domestic necessity to try out together. Folding laundry is also easier with two and the smell of fresh clothes and the feeling of warmth can be conducive to romance.
Offering to run an errand for someone else, particularly if they are stressed out, can be a romantic gesture. This shows them you are a giving person and they will be grateful for it and could pay you back by doing something nice for you too. So, if your partner is dreading an errand due to a hectic schedule that day, show them you care by taking care of it for them.
While constant contact during work hours can be too much, a quick call or text to let them know that they are on your mind can work wonders for romance. This can spark a connection that lasts through the day and into the night. Additionally, listening to their day after work or at least inquiring about their day can be perceived as a romantic interest. It can help a connection to form and it can also help to release built up work related stress.