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3 Signs That Your Partner Is Losing Interest and What to Do About It

3 Signs That Your Partner Is Losing Interest and What to Do About It

Let's face it, relationships aren't just about cuddles, romantic dinners by candlelight, and sunset walks. Relationships, new or familiar, all need constant nurturing to keep them going strong. Anyone who believes that saying their "I do's" in front of family and friends is all it takes to complete the deal is off their rocker.

A strong and healthy relationship needs to grow over time, offering both people the chance to learn more about each other, and eventually form an even stronger bond of love. If you have noticed that your partner is distant lately, they might be losing interest in your relationship. If you really want to save your love and relationship, here are some signs you should watch out for, and some tips on what to do.

Sign #1 - Your Partner Is Distant

Has your partner recently become more distant or closed off to the world? Do they hold back when you ask them questions about their day or how they feel? A partner who becomes distant quickly or over time may be on their way to checking out of the relationship completely. Distance usually happens when one partner starts to close themselves off due to a lack of trust, fun or boredom with the relationship.

What To Do About It:

It is extremely important that you get your partner talking before they close themselves off to you completely. Ask them to spend some time with you without any distractions. It is best to be completely honest with them, and to tell them how you have sensed their distance. Tell them that communicating with each other, even if the topic isn't a happy one, is healthy. If they are still distant with you and won't talk, you will have to ask them directly if they want to continue having a relationship with you.

Sign #2 - Your Partner Hangs Out With Their Friends More Than You

If your partner spends more time with their buddies than spending time with you, chances are they are having more fun when you are not around. If they have never invited you out with their friends, this is a cause for concern. Most healthy couples have met each other's friends at some point in time. Your partner may be seeking his or her fun moments apart from you because they are not feeling it at home.

What You Can Do:

Start making time for fun when together. Become friends. Turn off the TV, and put the iPads and video games away. Dedicate time for you and your partner to connect, in a fun way. Join a team of couples and compete as a team. Work on a fun and creative project together or play a sexy board game. Let go and be free with your partner. You just might find that they stay home more often because they enjoy spending time with you again.

Sign #3 - Communication Of Any Form Has Died Down

Think back to the days when you and your love used to text each other endlessly or chat on the phone until the wee hours of the morning. Remind yourself of the notes you used to write to each other or the emails you would send throughout a work day.

Communication was easy when dating and in the early days of your relationship, wasn't it? Now look at it. Has it died down? When was the last time you received a random text from your partner saying that they are thinking of you? Are love notes by your pillow a thing of the past? If your partner has stopped making an effort in the communication area, either they are just being lazy or don't feel as inspired by your relationship anymore.

What You Can Do:

Remind your partner about how special those days of communicating were, and how much they meant to you. Start making more of an effort yourself, and express your feeling whenever they come to you. Tell your partner that you want to build a stronger relationship and that you would like to spend more time talking rather than watching TV together every night. Once you show you still care and make an effort, your partner may follow your lead.

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