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Health Wellness Articles

The Mind and Body Balancing Act

The Mind and Body Balancing Act

Whether we like it or not, all of us are high maintenance when it comes to having a healthy mind and body. These two parties are interconnected and when one suffers, the other is soon to follow. Getting the balance right between mind and body doesn’t have to be a daunting task, but if you want to live with ease, it is something you must strive for. Emotional stress of large magnitudes can wreak havoc on your blood pressure or skin and on the other side of that coin, serious injuries or illness can invoke stark and crippling depression in an otherwise healthy mind.

Those that practice yoga often do so not just because it can increase our body’s strength and flexibility, but also because it further integrates mind and body unity in every aspect of its 5,000-year-old teachings. Too many, yoga represents the ultimate union of mind and body. If you balance the body with the right poses, the mind will follow and fall into place. The meditation aspect of yoga then soothes the mind, bringing the body along into a place of ease. Practitioners of yoga often find that the more flexible they become in their stretches and poses, the more flexible their minds become as well and vice versa.

Another mind and body balance therapy that has come to the fore in recent years is something called Quanta Change. The Quanta Change process involves a balance between sleeping with a recorded “Sensory Message” playing and during your waking time you try to shift your thoughts and feelings to a better place when negative triggers arise. The two actions are a cycle of sorts as they fuel each other to help you release negative feelings and patterns.

The Quanta Change process is ideally done with additional guided sessions where the Quanta Change practitioner helps you identify the negative sources in your life and they show you how to mentally shift in a better direction during the day. This in turn becomes the catalyst for change during your sleep sessions.

One of the theories behind the Quanta Change process is that the human brain recharges during sleep with the experiences that happened during the day, so the day shifting to a more positive place accelerates what the Sensory Message does for you during sleep and can bring about dramatic changes in your health and well being on every level.

Stories of those that have achieved remarkable transitions through the Quanta Change process often express that they could previously only name their pain, whether mental or physical, but until this type of practice came along, nothing helped alleviate it. One such story involved a person isolated by an acute manifestation of agoraphobia and they also had the inability to cry for many years. After just one month of using the Quanta Change process, not only could they weep in a healthy manner, but they also were able to leave their house again without issue. Additionally on the physical end, they also stated that their diagnosed high-level heart murmur was no longer detectable by medical professionals.

Balance is key in every instance, be it movement and breath or daytime thoughts and nighttime sleep, we need to maintain that balance to live contently and comfortably.

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