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The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

Yes! Oui! Sí! It is true—learning a second language is not only a way to give yourself an edge in any career field, but it also has surprising social and cognitive benefits. Today, the world is just as interconnected in business and travel as ever before. If you are looking for ways to stay sharp, gain some social points, or much-needed perspective, learning a second language might be your next hobby to try. Below, find out exactly how a foreign language could strengthen and revitalize many areas of your life!

Human Connection

We are social animals, after all. One of the most beautiful things about the human species is our diversity—a collection of dynamic languages, cultures, and perspectives. In today's world, it can be easy to stay within one language group or culture; however, there is not much growth and learning to be had without experiencing or understanding other cultures around you. Language is a beautiful tool to use so you can begin to bridge the gap. Along with the new people you meet—think of the long-lasting relationships, the kindnesses, and the generous rewards you receive that will last you a lifetime!

The Cutting Career Edge

No matter the sector or skill level, being bilingual is among the top eight desirable job skills! This trend does not seem on the decline but instead has been on an exponential rise for decades. Employers are searching for professionals that can communicate with clients both at home and abroad. Furthermore, being bilingual isn't just a humble skill to add to your resume; those who speak multiple languages are paid increased salaries compared to their monolingual colleagues. With all of these generous incentives, why not add learning a language to your to-do list?

Grow Your Brain

Okay, so maybe your brain won't grow in size, but you can undoubtedly improve multiple brain functions by staying fresh with foreign languages. Benefits include boosted memory, improved problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced multi-tasking skills, and also enhanced concentration. Artistically inclined people, don't fret! Learning a new language also strengthens our flexibility and creativity—there is something for everyone!

See the World Through New Eyes

No, learning the country's language is not required to visit; however, if you have an intimate knowledge of a population's language and culture, it will elevate your trip to new heights. Being a monolingual traveler does come with its setbacks, as you are less likely to leave the tourist bubble to access more vibrant parts of the culture that surrounds you. However, the ability to connect with locals through their language will grant you access to parts otherwise unknown, making your trip one never to forget!

There you have it! Whether you want to become a boundless traveler seeking new heights, lift your career off of the ground, or stay razor-sharp, there are benefits to learning a foreign language for just about everyone.

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