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Regression Therapy

Regression Therapy

Regression is the process of discovering, reliving and addressing past experiences related to present complaints and disorders. Regression therapists use forgotten or repressed experiences to eliminate the negative, reboot a person’s positive feelings or rediscover latent talents.

Forgotten experiences bring up emotional wounds that have not healed as well as unconscious convictions that hinder our progress.

These inner personality traits will change only after we appreciate their true source, as well as why we continue to carry them. Regression helps relive and reprocess these experiences, to unlock emotions and shed light onto how these experiences are affecting you today.

People who experience regression therapy often face the birth event or prenatal period in the womb. Others will experience past lives. Some will outline problems back to the effect of a departed family member or other spiritual presence. Regression analysis in mothers may even heal the child. Regression therapy is certainly a treatment that transcends the individual.

Who Are Regression Therapists?

Regression therapist do not put their patients in a trance, they wake them from trance caused by their disorders. They do not work with fantasy or make-believe. Like a detective, they stick with just the facts, the things that have been consistently fruitful.

Regression therapists use the intuitive powers of their patients, without lessening their reasoning powers in any way. Emotions and bodily sensations are the therapist’s main tools.

Common Techniques of Regression Therapy

The two most common psychotherapy methods used by regression therapists are Gestalt and Inner Child, as well as bioenergetics, which is a treatment approach using psychological study and active bodywork. What connects all of these techniques is regression or experiences of the past used to recognize, liberate and heal.

Who Benefits From Regression Therapy?

Regression therapy often works when other techniques fail, but like any treatment, it is not for everybody and success is not guaranteed for all problems.

Those with severe mental handicaps, autism and obsessive disorders do not respond well to regression therapy. Other limitations of regression therapy are for those having severe addiction, are catatonic or are not aware of their own bodies.

On the other hand, regression treatment works wonders with people who suffer from inexplicable fears, depression without an obvious cause, unexplainable guilt or shame issues and those with psychosomatic problems or problems maintaining close relationships.

Regression therapy has been successful with multiple personality disorders, people hearing voices or experiencing visual hallucinations. It is also helpful for suicidal people.

For migraines, insomnia and other chronic disorders, the jury is still out on regression therapy. Equal amounts of successes and failures have been reported.

If regression analysis doesn’t work, the good news is that it doesn’t take a lot of time to figure that out. Unlike traditional psychotherapy, which could take years without noticeable effect, one or two regression therapy sessions will show if you are on the right path. For most patients, regression treatment works remarkably well.

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