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Reduce Stress with Sound Therapy

Reduce Stress with Sound Therapy

By using a series of specially created soundwaves, expert Sound Therapists can reduce through-the-roof levels of stress. Sound good? Get better acquainted with the various health and spiritual benefits of Sound Therapy, learn how and from what sound therapy tools are sculpted, and find out how to safely try it for yourself.

Sound therapy instruments and practitioners are here to help you advance your levels of spiritual healing. How? By cleansing your mind of negative chatter through aural activation of your chakras. So go ahead and feel free to immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls and carefully crafted crystal cups.

Sound Therapy Tools, Materials and Manufacturing

Do you want to know more about sound therapy bowls and what materials luthiers use to sculpt them? Legend has it the ancient Mesopotamians crafted them from pure copper. Yet, unearthed artifacts reveal hand-hammered Tibetan singing bowls, also called standing bells, were forged from meteoric, iron-rich rocks that fell from outer space.

Today, artisans forge bronze Tibetan singing bowls out of an alloy of zinc, copper, gold, silver, tin, and copper. Other equally important but lesser-known sound therapy percussion instruments like gongs, rattles, and steel drums are handmade from metal using time-tested blacksmithing and forging techniques.

Making high-quality quartz crystal bowls and cups from crushed semi-precious stones requires molding and pressing them into shapes that produce pitch-perfect notes. But, non-quartz human-made crystal vessels can also emanate dulcet tones and are much less expensive.

Professional and D.I.Y. Sound Therapy

To assure you that you are safe and sound during your spiritual session, take time to research your local Sound Therapists and Music Therapists. Read client reviews, browse their website, call and speak to the therapist or arrange a visit to see the space before your appointment.

Then, ask if they have an up-to-date license through the Vibrational Sound Association or certification from the Board of Music Therapists. Getting this valuable information will increase your trust level and allow you to feel completely comfortable, open, and spiritually vulnerable during your sound therapy session.

For those interested in trying out sound therapy, but lack the ability, resources, or desire to get treatment from a professional, do-it-yourself sound therapy is an affordable alternative. Don't worry. You won't need a room full of musical instruments to give it a whirl.

To begin, look up videos and audio clips or purchase a sound therapy CD from a professional online. Pro-tip: using earbuds or headphones will help your mind capture the stereo sounds more than regular speakers. Then, as you would during meditation, find a quiet spot free from disturbances, remain still, close your eyes, and listen.

Through the practice of sound therapy, you can awaken your senses to embrace a positive spiritual transformation. Are you ready to listen to the sweet sound of successful spiritual cleansings? Then invite the valuable vibrations to make you be of sound mind and body.

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