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How to Curb Your Snacking Habit

How to Curb Your Snacking Habit

Let's admit it—fighting the temptation to snack can be one of the most challenging habits to overcome. Unfortunately, most of us grow up learning unhealthy relationships with food and eating; however, like anything, with enough enthusiasm and effort, you can work to heal these patterns. In addition, learning to gain more control over your snacking habits can lead to some obvious and surprising health effects. So read on below to conquer potato chips, cookies, and all of our snack villains—with moderation, of course!

Half of the Time, You're Just Thirsty

You heard that right! Statistically, we all could be better at hydrating. Our stomachs are not so smart when differentiating between hunger and thirst. Next time you feel the urge to give in to your favorite snack, try to drink a glass of water first. If you typically cave into salty snacks, you will find yourself in a loop of heavy snacking. Try a little water first, and you may find that your cravings disappear altogether.

Add More Legumes, Grains, and Protein

Different foods provide different nutrients and pass through our systems in varying ways. You may be hard-pressed to find a raw vegetable or fruit that will keep you full for hours, and along the same line, specific salty and sugary snacks have the same effect on our hunger. Re-evaluate your daily meals to add more legumes, grains, and protein to feel satisfied after the meal and for hours between your next. Healthy grains and protein provide nutrients for our bodies and digest slower to suppress hunger longer.

Just Say No to Snacks in the Aisles

This seems like a no-brainer, right? Well, it can be easier said than done. Next time you walk up and down the aisles at your local grocery store, pass on the snacks. To take it a step further, you can opt for healthier options instead of eliminating snacks altogether. For example, instead of potato chips, try vegetables and hummus, or instead of ice cream, reach for yogurt flavored with real fruit. Once you learn to keep the naughty snacks out of the house, you can implement healthier options when and if the cravings for a little snack take over!

Sleep Better, and Keep Busy

We all know that boredom is not all that exciting, and it is also scientifically proven to increase our desire to snack between meals. Eating stimulates more than our stomachs; it also stimulates our brains. Next time you are experiencing a snack attack, try to do something around the house that will have a more lasting effect than a snacking session—clean your apartment, paint your nails, journal, or go for a calming stroll. Along with keeping busy, getting more sleep is also a proven method to curb the munchies! When we're tired, our bodies will overcompensate by craving energy from sugary and salty foods. Catch up on your ZZZs, and your stomach will be less dazed and confused.

Rewriting our relationship with food is no easy feat. Luckily, there are some tried and true ways to keep our snack enemies at bay—but always remember, moderation is the best medicine. So feel free to indulge in your favorite snack now and then while putting more healthy options front and center. Your health will thank you!

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