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How to Battle Distraction

How to Battle Distraction

We always start the day off right with the best intentions; however, we know that in our current world, we are prone to all sorts of obstructions, big and small. All of us have sat down at our desks ready to greet the day's work, but what always happens? We get distracted. There is no special pill that we can take to make all of the annoying and enticing distractions go away completely, so how do we learn to cultivate our focus? Read on to soak up these helpful tips to manifest the success that you deserve!

1) Never Lose Sight of Your Goal

It seems pretty simple, right? Although, sometimes, the vision of your overall goal is the first to go out the window. Having a solid understanding of “why” you are doing a particular task gives you more enthusiasm and motivation. There are many ways to maintain a strong sense of your vision. For example, you can create and say a mantra before you begin your tasks. If you are more of a visual person, you can also write notes for yourself to leave around your workspace. If you use either or both, knowing the why will undoubtedly help you stay on track.

2) Early Bird Gets the Worm?

Unfortunately for all of the night owls out there, there is some truth to this cliché. Think of it this way, the more time you have to get distracted, the higher the chance it will take over and get in the way of your success. If you are prone to distraction and generally keep a later schedule, attempt to get up earlier and go to bed each day in increments until you've reached your desired schedule. Before you give into easy distractions, try to hit the ground running. The leisure at the end of a hard day's work will feel that much sweeter!

3) Focus Is a Practice, Not a Destination

Learn to contextualize focus as not a thing you obtain but rather a thing that you work continually towards. Focus is not the peak of a mountain you climb but the skills you use to get there. Along your climb, you will obtain these new skills that will apply themselves differently depending on what task you are undertaking. If you demystify focus, your work will feel less pressurized. Be patient and kind with yourself; we are always in a state of learning and change.

4) Learn the Art of Momentum Building

It is no surprise that being successful at a task helps us feel better about our work and ourselves. When we feel good about ourselves and what we are doing, our work improves. Therefore, when starting a task, be sure to start with work that you are confident in. Once you complete these tasks, tackling the more challenging or more tedious parts will become more accessible and, dare we say, enjoyable.

Distractions are a natural part of our everyday environments. Don't allow them to get in the way of your success any longer by applying these helpful tips today!

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