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Family & Friends Articles

Making Friends as an Adult

Making Friends as an Adult

Has it become more and more challenging to make new friends as you get older? Discover how with these easy and fun ways to find like-minded companions.

Think back to your school days. Entire classrooms full of kids your age were ideal places to meet people who shared something in common with you. But, as we age and move into the adult world, it is common for it to become harder to connect to potential new friends.

However, it is not impossible to make a best friend as an adult. Granted, they are unlikely to come knocking at your front door. Getting involved in something you are interested in is an ideal means of meeting fresh friends who share your current passions. Find out how with these helpful tips.

Take a Class

School is not just for kids. Take part in your continuing education by enrolling in an art class for adults or learn yoga, line dancing, or ballroom dancing. If money is an object, you can take college classes for free by auditing a course, giving you a chance to get back to your friendship-making roots. Ask your local university or community college for details.


Want a simple way to find a buddy? Lend your time to something you believe in. Everyone else there will automatically share the same mindset as you do. Some prime examples are environmental groups, political parties or politicians, children's hospitals, nursing homes, event centers, parent-teacher associations, community gardens, and religious organizations.

At Work

Many people shy away from mixing their personal and professional lives for a good reason. When things go south, it can get messy. Nonetheless, given the opportunity, co-workers can become excellent friends. Are you still shying away from the idea? Start chatting up someone who is not in your department and avoid bosses and subordinates to avoid potential problems.

Get Creative

Creating something with someone else promotes instant bonding. Need some examples to get started? Sing in a local choir, play music in a band or orchestra, act or work backstage in your local theatre, participate in a group art project like a mural or sign up to be an extra in a student film.

Public Places

The next time you go out in public, be open to meeting new folks. Places like specialty food stores, parks, beaches, outside sculpture gardens, museums, botanical gardens, boutiques, fashion shows, and farmer's markets are all friendly spaces which encourage sparking up a conversation. On the other hand, beware of trying to become friends with someone who is quietly studying at the public library or is deep in meditation in a natural setting.

In summary, instead of hanging around the house in your free time, get out in the world. Your new friends await you. So, what are you waiting for? Put yourself out there and explore these ways of finding your new best friend!

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