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Family & Friends Articles

5 Types of Friendships and Why You Need Them All

5 Types of Friendships and Why You Need Them All

Science suggests that the more profound your friendship connections are, the longer and more spiritually satisfying your life will be. Yes, you understood that right—you live longer when you have solid friendships! Our love lives and romantic partners tend to take up the bulk of our time and energy; however, you might receive a very fulfilling turnaround in your emotional and mental wellbeing if you spend more time cultivating platonic relationships. Of course, there is no one way to be or have a friend, and below you will learn about a variety of friendships and what each offers your overall happiness.

1) The Best Friend

"Best friend" relationships are the foundation of all platonic connections. As social animals, loyalty is one of the essential components of any relationship. Your best friend is the person you seek new experiences with, and non-judgmental advice based on a deep knowledge of one another. You both know each other's deepest secrets and love one another despite them. The ability to depend on our closest friendships cultivates a profound sense of belonging and acceptance.

2) The Confidant

Sometimes there are things about us that we feel comfortable only certain people know—this is where "the confidant" friendship comes in. There should be a friend in your life that tells it like it is—a friend that will give you the hard truth despite potentially hurting your feelings. These friendships are beneficial two-fold: first, you feel comfortable going to them with your truth, and second, they will offer unabashed advice that you cannot get anywhere else.

3) The Mentor

You know when a friend of yours has a "mentor" mentality. These friends provide reminders that we should work to become our best self's day after day. It is far easier to achieve your self-improvement goals if you can see a real-life example of who you would like to become or emulate. The mentor friendships in your life will inspire, motivate, and challenge you on your road to becoming the best version of yourself.

4) The Adventurer

The closer we are to a person, the more that we tend to get stuck in similar cycles—that is where your fearless adventurer friend comes in! The adventurer doesn't rely on schedules as much as their spontaneity and will always keep us on our toes with new experiences. One of the most beautiful things about life is that we cannot always predict what is going to happen. So, embrace the unknown with an adventurous friend to feel full of possibility and energy!

5) The Polar Opposite

We all know that opposites attract—this is not only limited by our romantic relationships. If you cultivate friendships with people who have differing world views and experiences, you will be more empathetic and adaptive. We like to feel like we belong, and there is an importance to surrounding ourselves with people like us. There is also a lot of value in expanding our mindsets. Try engaging with those that can take you out of your comfort zone.

Friendships are sacred and unique. There is no one way to be a friend or have a friend, as we are far too complex. So, get on the path to a long and happy life with various beneficial and deep relationships!

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