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Dreams Articles

Top Five Worst Dreams to Have

Top Five Worst Dreams to Have

Dreams are some of the most misunderstood products of the human brain—inspiring large amounts of research, art, and terror. When our bodies are at rest, our brain shows signs of activity and produces visuals that can be frightening, beautiful, or mundane. Frequently, the stories told to us through our subconscious dreams create horrific, prophetic, and unforgettable results! So, which are the worst types of dreams to have? Read on to find out. Be sure it's not right before bed!

5. Prophetic Dreams

Foreseeing the future may sound like a power you want; however, what if you could see something horrific, sad, or tragic before it happens? Many people experience what scientists call prophetic dreams or dreams where the individual perceives details of an event that has not yet occurred. In many cultures, dreams are considered to be messages from both the future and the spirit realm. Therefore, it is primarily up to the dreamer to read deeper into their dreams and connect them with their reality—for better or worse.

4. Reoccurring Dreams

Imagine how frustrating it feels to be forced to watch or experience something repeatedly, and you cannot escape it. Reoccurring dreams aren't always 100% the same; however, they represent some similar themes. Themes like being attacked or chased, falling, losing teeth, or confrontation are some of the most common reoccurring dreams reported. Many believe that stress can trigger a reoccurring dream, but not in every case.

3. Vivid Dreams

Some scenarios in dreams feel like the craziest sci-fi film ever imagined. However, there are instances of vivid dreaming that can trick your mind into believing even the most outlandish dream is—reality! There is a more scientific explanation for this phenomenon; as we rise from our deep REM sleep and are still dreaming, our waking mind interprets and remembers these dreams differently. In unfortunate circumstances, a frightening dream may occur as we wake up, and these images and events will stick with us for a long time.

2. False Awakening Dreams and Paralysis

You've most likely experienced this jolting dream before, and it is not all fun and games. False awakening dreams occur when the dreaming mind thinks it's awake, although it's not. This can cause the individual to “feel” awake and attempt to move around as if they are. However, the body is still at rest and dreaming. In addition, feelings of paralysis can occur concerning these dreams, as the mind and body are in a confused state.

1. Nightmares and Night Terrors

It's no coincidence that we use the term “nightmare” to describe an unfortunate and catastrophic event. Nightmares are unfortunately common, and although they do not typically occur nightly, they do make their appearance from time to time. Professionals link many things to nightmares, including stress, sleep deprivation, watching something scary, or being ill. Whatever the case, nightmares are a part of our dreaming reality, and there is no clear-cut way to prevent them from haunting our sleep.

Why and how dreams occur may never be understood fully; however, there is no denying that dreaming is a big part of our human experience. Along with the silly and the beautiful, dreams have the power to render us completely frightened when we are at our most vulnerable!

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