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Dreams Articles

How to Remember Your Dreams

How to Remember Your Dreams

Dreams are fabulous tools that we can learn from and they allow us to change how we behave in our daily lives. They can guide us on to a healthier path or help us make a life changing decision. If you know how to analyze dreams then you are one step ahead of other people who do not listen to their dreams. If you dream a lot it is smart to start looking into what they mean and what they are telling you about your daily life.

A dream might be notifying you about upcoming danger, a bad choice or some changes that need to be made. Yes, some dreams are lovely and peaceful, but they all have a message. If you have trouble remembering your dreams and feel a bit left out, you can use a few tips to connect to them after you have dreamt them. If you find that you cannot remember your dreams here are 5 tips on how to remember a dream.

Write it Down

By writing down your dreams after you have had them, you have much more of a chance to analyze them. Place a notepad and pen beside your bed at all times and even if you wake up at 3am in the morning, write it down. It is very important to write down everything you remember without editing it because it may sound silly or be strange. Just write freely and then take a look at what you wrote down with a fresh mind in the morning.

Tell Your Subconscious to Remember Your Dreams

This can be extremely effective when remembering dreams. You can actually tell yourself to remember dreams before you go to bed. You might have to try this a few nights in a row to really have it happen, but your subconscious will get the message and you will eventually find that you will remember dreams when you wake up.

Post it Notes Are Handy

This may seem a bit weird but use a sticky note to keep you aware of your dreams when you wake. Leave Post It notes on your alarm clock or bathroom mirror before you go to bed at night and state something like "What were your dreams about?" or 'Where were you in your dreams?" This will allow you to focus on remembering your dreams.

Use Your Brain Power

By thinking about a serious situation that concerns you before you go to sleep it might actually allow you to dream the answers you need. Think about your job situation and how it frustrates you or how unhappy you are in your current relationship. This can open the flood gates of your subconscious, almost as if you are asking for answers to your problems. Some lucky people have made life altering decisions based on the outcome of their dreams. By thinking of something that stresses or concerns you before sleep time you may remember the dreams more vividly because you had such a strong message going in.

Get a Good Night's Sleep

People who are constantly getting up throughout the night to turn over, go to the bathroom or answer a late night phone call are not going into their dream state and will not dream. You have to have a solid night sleep without interruptions to truly dream. Try and get constant nights of solid sleep and avoid drinking alcohol before bed. Most of the time alcohol disturbs the sleep pattern and blocks us from having any beneficial dreams.

There are many more ways to remember a dream such as journaling throughout the day and trying to recall your dreams as soon as you wake up, but get started with these simple steps and you can start remembering your dreams.

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