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Discovering Your Life’s Work

Discovering Your Life’s Work

Discovering your passion may happen at a young age and may stay with you well into adulthood, or it may change as you grow and evolve. The same is true of your career and what you do to earn a living. But what happens when your passion combines with your livelihood?

To start on your journey of uncovering your life’s work you need to examine what really matters to you. Look at your values, your beliefs and your interests. What is it that you hold on to dearly no matter how circumstances change? Once you get past your daily responsibilities and priorities, you may be surprised at what you hear when you listen to your heart.

One of the first qualities that you need to cultivate when searching for your life’s work is patience. You need patience as you do the work that pays the bills, as you go about your daily life. Days, weeks and maybe even years go by before you discover your passion and what drives you. While you are patiently awaiting this revelation, pay attention to your values and what gives you a sense of fulfillment. Oftentimes these are the activities or causes that will lead you to your life’s work.

While it’s important to have passion and ambition, you also need to have skills and know-how. What practical knowledge do you need to begin your life’s work? Do you need to get a background check to work with children? Do you need to go back to school for a technical certification or do you need to purchase supplies to outfit your workshop? Whatever it is that you lack and you need, create a plan to acquire it.

You also need to understand the difference between working to support yourself and working to build your legacy. Some fortunate people are able to earn a living while pursuing their life’s work. Not all of us are so lucky, but we don’t need to give up. If you are in the situation that requires a “day job”, look for opportunities to volunteer or contribute to your life’s work during non-working hours. You don’t have to get a paycheck to make your efforts worthwhile.

After you’ve examined your passions and interests, after you’ve examined your resources and the time that you have, it’s time to get to work. Commit to your life’s work with your whole heart and don’t give up faith that it is important. Chances are extremely good that along the way there will be times when you start to question yourself and if you’re following the right path. It’s normal, but it’s also a reminder to keep moving forward, because just past the fear and doubt is where success lies.

Whether you find that your life’s work is to work with underprivileged children or to create art to anything in between, you will find greater contentment and satisfaction as you go about your days. Instead of watching the clock and waiting for this job or that job to be over, you will find happiness in the moment.

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