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Tips on Working From Home

Tips on Working From Home

Not everyone needs to make that long commute to the office every morning! With technology evolving—'going to work' means something different for everyone. Some of us don't even need to leave the comfort of our own home! Although this might sound ideal, some often struggle with routine-making to stay on task and create boundaries between work and home-life. If you are considering working from home, or are already settled into a home office, consider the tips below. These tips will help you remain productive and teach you how to shut work-mode off!

Take Care of Yourself First

One thing that the standard workday often neglects is the fact that we all have bodies with particular needs. When we wake up in the morning, it is not a smooth transition from bed to desk. This disorientation is okay—this is what makes us human. If you're working from home, make sure to listen to your body carefully when you wake up in the morning. Being attuned to the state of your mind, body, and spirit will set the tone for your steps forward throughout your day.

Make sure to treat yourself to an excellent breakfast, go for a morning walk or jog, take a shower if you need it, or spend a few moments stretching or meditating. Starting the day with attention and kindness towards yourself will make the transition to work mode far more stable.

Don't take this step lightly either! Be sure to give it proper time and prepare for 1-2 hours to wake up your body, mind, and spirit. Waking up around the same time every day also proves to be an essential part of routine-making. Be sure to set an alarm and honor it, so your body becomes accustomed to your schedule.

Get Dressed—Regardless

People working from home often struggle with defined boundaries between their home-life and office-life. One surefire way to ensure you feel the transition between the two is getting dressed—regardless if you are in direct contact with any coworkers. The act of getting dressed sends a clear message that your workday is starting. While you can most certainly keep it business casual, dressing for the job will help you feel more a part of your workday.

Plus, who doesn't love the feeling of switching out of your day clothes into your PJ's later on?

Set Goals for Your Day and Week

After you've taken care of your mind and body and got dressed, you'll now want to focus on setting goals for your day and also the rest of your work-week. Setting daily goals will help focus on short-term objectives; however, it is a useful practice to project longer-term goals to gauge how on track you are for your week. Without the clearly defined boundaries of a cubicle, you will need to build up as many barriers as you can—this is where goal setting comes in.

Before you delve into the specifics of your work, take stock of what you can realistically accomplish within your day and the rest of your work-week to stay on track.

Turn Off Work-Mode by Having an Exit Plan

Just as getting dressed signified the beginning of your workday, plan an activity ahead of time, which means your workday is over. This boundary will vary by person but could include: a plan to make a home-cooked dinner, an exercise class or routine, or a hobby. Make these recreational activities just as important as work—activities that demand time and space in your daily routine.

If you don't have anything planned for the remainder of the day, it can be easy to remain in work mode to fill up that vacant space—plan to stay busy and in control of your schedule. Remember—your PJ's are waiting!

If you don't head into the office every day, try these tips to remain productive and in control of your off-work time!

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