Relaxation Tips for the Office

For most of us, work and stress go hand in hand, it’s just a fact of life that we’ve come to accept. However, long-term stress can take a heavy toll on your physical and emotional wellness. It’s important to learn relaxation techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine at the office so that you don’t succumb to the ill effects of long-term stress.
By building up an inventory of relaxation techniques, you will be in a better position to cope with stress and think clearly, even when it seems that everything is going wrong. Even if you don’t feel that you are overly stressed out during your day, investing in some relaxation techniques can pay off in big dividends.
Relaxation Tips for the Office
1. Cool Off — When your boss or coworker gets you hot under the collar, excuse yourself to the bathroom and run cold water on your wrists and place a cool, wet cloth on the back of your neck. This will cool your temperature and help you regain control of your emotions.
2. Look Out — If you’re lucky and get breaks, the best thing to do to refresh your mind and body is to take a walk outdoors. When that is impossible, simply take a few minutes and look out a window. If you work in a place without windows, keep a picture of a favorite landscape near your desk and feast your eyes on the beauty and grandeur of nature. The one caveat to this is to make sure the picture isn’t on your computer—this is your break from screens!
3. Retreat — If you’re lucky enough to have an office with a door, close the door and sit quietly for a few minutes focusing on your breath. If that isn’t the case, find a place in your office where you can go to be alone for a few minutes. You might have to get creative. Don’t be afraid to walk to a different floor to find a bathroom that no one else uses, or go sit in your car for a short while. Be sure to make the most of this alone time by focusing on your breathing and enjoying the quiet of your mind.
4. Countdown to Cool Down — Counting sheep works to help get you to sleep by making you focus on the numbers instead of all the thoughts running through your head. Make use of this technique at work and try counting backwards from ten or higher if you’re really stressed. This will take the focus off your thoughts and emotions so that you can return to the situation with a clear mind.
5. Organize Your Desk — Take a minute to assess your desk. Are papers piled in a jumble with the morning’s coffee cup thrown to one side? Remember, your surroundings reflect your state of mind. Take a minute to tidy and organize your desk, sort through old emails and throw out those loose bits of trash that accumulated. Sorting through the clutter that surrounds you will help you sort through the mental clutter that is blocking your creativity and productivity.
The good news about many relaxation techniques is that some of the most effective ones aren’t elaborate, complicated or time-consuming. In fact, by taking just a few minutes away to relax, you will find yourself more focused on your work and more productive throughout your day.