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How to Buy Only What is Important

How to Buy Only What is Important

Have you ever stopped and wondered why it is so hard to only buy what is truly important in life?

When it comes to living comfortably and saving a nest egg, daily temptations are an enemy to financial success. If you let them, these habitual small purchases can get in the way of your ability to reach the ideal lifestyle you crave and long term life goals you desire.

But what can be done to resist these pricey habits which we all find to be so incredibly irresistible? Surprisingly, it is not a complicated solution. In fact, it is a very simple one! The easiest way to buy only what is important is simply to focus on long term happiness through buying experiences, not products, while still allowing yourself some treats along the way.

Balancing long term investments with short term splurges can take a little practice and some willpower at first. However, it gets easier and easier the more you stick to it. The key to having money, both now and later, is to examine what makes you satisfied in the here and now versus what will make you feel secure in the future.

If you are selling your future security short by making too many impulse buys or you routinely make too many small purchases throughout the day, you could be sabotaging your own future. Although it does not feel like it all the time, your future happiness is just as important as your happiness in the present moment in time. This is why you must limit your spending to that which matters most in order to find harmony and balance between your present and your future.

When spent in a balanced way, money can have the power to help create memories and long lasting relationships. Instead of buying products as a splurge, like a daily six dollar breakfast bagel, save this money throughout the year and invest it in an experience, like visiting a national park with your friends or your family. The emotional and spiritual fulfillment you will feel from investing an important activity and experience, like a trip with the important people in your life, is priceless.

Oftentimes, just a tiny token, such as a romantic steak dinner for a special occasion, can be a blend of both a pleasant experience with loved ones and also a splurge in the now. Spending money on things such as this, or going to a theme park, can be the perfect way to both make memories with your loved ones and saving for this treat will help to keep your daily spending on track.

When you feel yourself being lured in by the siren song of that expensive daily habit, remember that you will want something more permanent to remember in the future than the faint memories of a fancy latte or a box of candy at the movies. Begin purchasing life experiences, not products, and you will be taking the first step towards buying only the important things in life.

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