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Going for the Gold: Job Interview Tips

Going for the Gold: Job Interview Tips

You’ve spent hours perfecting your resume, your outfit is ironed, you’ve mapped out the route to the office and you’ve thought through answers to the trickiest questions that you may encounter during an interview. What’s left to do to prepare for your upcoming job interview ,you may ask? Spend time embracing a positive mental attitude so that you can go for the gold and get the job. These tips are designed to help boost your confidence as you take steps to achieve success.

Tip #1: Prime Yourself for Success

Columbia Business School conducted research that showed you can prime yourself for success with a simple writing exercise. Their research showed that you are able to fight the feeling of powerlessness that a job search brings out by writing out an example of a time when you were in a position of power. Spend the time really going over the details of your experience and pay close attention to your actions and emotions of the time. This serves as a reminder that you are a person with the power to be confident and persuasive and that confidence boost will carry over into your interview.

Tip #2: Be Enthusiastic

Don’t be afraid to show your enthusiasm for a job. Jump up and down with excitement that you got an interview and then get to work. If you’ve done your homework, you’ll know why you’re a good fit for the position and why you want to work for the company. Don’t play coy and don’t be aloof. Your enthusiasm during the interview shows that you care about getting the position and that you’ll bring along that energy from day one on the job. Carry your enthusiasm over from the interview and be sure to follow up with a prompt thank you note. This will remind the person that you don’t just want the job; you want to excel and be a part of the company.

Tip #3: Be Superman/Superwoman

Once you’ve put on your best suit and straightened out your tie or slipped on your best professional high heels, take a minute to adopt a power pose for two minutes. Research from Amy Cuddy has shown that standing in a power pose in a private moment before the interview will help shift your mind and you’ll come across as more confident and able than you might actually feel. One of the most effective stances is known as the Wonder Woman or Superman stance. Stand with your legs wide and your hands on your hips to convey assertiveness and power. To really go for the gold, stand tall and proud with your arms in an overhead v-shape and then go for victory. These poses will help you appear more confident and will even help shape how you feel about yourself so that you can fake it until you make it.

While job interviews may be intimidating and nerve-wracking, it’s important to not let that get to you. By taking time to thoughtfully prepare for your interview, you can boost your confidence and get the edge that you need to get the job and achieve success.

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