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Taurean Women Make Legendary Mothers

Taurean Women Make Legendary Mothers

Taurus moms are practical, patient, affectionate and protective. Their true gifts are grace under fire and strength under pressure. The bull mama is truly rock steady. The Taurus mother’s main strength is her consistency and steady presence. Because of this steady presence the offspring of Taurus moms will be stable and capable.

Taurus moms participate behind the scenes and show up to make sure that the bar is met and exceeded and to cheer on and support their offspring. Some famously strong Taurean mothers are Cher, Tori Spelling, Tina Fey, Penelope Cruz and Cate Blanchet.

Most Taurus mothers teach economics through example. Conscientious use of all resources including time and money are the most valuable life lessons a Taurus mother gives her young. Taurus moms always look for the best value in every situation and they freely teach their children how to reap the most rewards, financial and personal, from any situation.

On the other hand, some Taureans have a materialistic side that will need to be tamped down or they risk spoiling their young children. Babies can do without the latest fashion and the “Mom Mobile” does not have to be a Benz SUV. Generosity is a strong trait of this sign and it too can be used against the Taurean mom. Be careful not to overindulge the little darlings. Do not pander unnecessarily to the excessive wants and demands of childhood.

We know you believe that the sun and moon rise and set for your progeny but be aware that your pride and soft heart can be taken advantage of especially by the ones you love.

Rock steady Taurus rarely gets ruffled by day to day minutia but bull moms can run into trouble with teenagers who bring out their stubborn side. As the teens test and try, as teens often do, mama bull may throw down that hard head and try to dominate the situation, planting her hooves and railing, “This is my house and it’s my way or the door.”

Instead, a Taurus mom would do well to pick her battles wisely and practice flexibility and to try seeing things from the kid’s point of view.

Ever affectionate Taureans are almost always available for a tickle, a cuddle or a hug, even on days when tempers are flaring hot. The Taurean attributes of loyalty, perseverance and persistence has the Taurus mom squarely in the corner of the most unruly teen, long after other adults have quit the game.

Most Taurus women love their homes and value comfort, cleanliness, routine and predictability. While these truly Taurean traits provide a secure structure and routine for a growing child, the tendency for rigidity is probably bull mama’s most difficult trait to overcome. Remember that your babies are only little for a little while. Be flexible and keep in mind that one day the house will be quiet again and you will miss the sound of little voices, so let them bang on pots and pans, say yes as often as possible and let the cleaning and cob webs be damned.

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