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Angels & Spirits Articles

Why Do Spirits Inhabit Objects?

Why Do Spirits Inhabit Objects?

A ghostly apparition causes kitchen knives to start flying through the air. Sound scary? Get insider knowledge about why specters and spirits use and inhabit objects so you can shield yourself from a strike by a spooky source.

Attacks by an unseen entity are enough to leave anyone shaking in their shoes. But are you really in a position of spiritual or physical danger? Find out why spirits utilize and inhabit objects so you can stay safer when faced with an invisible visitant.

Unfinished Business

Stuck between dimensions in spiritual purgatory, sadly some souls are unable to pass on until they wrap up their loose ends on Earth. Often relying on help from the living to conclude their journey to their final resting place, spirits may possess things to try to get assistance. Using objects at their disposal, they may try to leave someone clues to help put an end to their intangible imprisonment. Try not to perceive their cries for help as an outright threat towards you but as an opportunity to help another resolve an issue.

Attempting Communication

As it turns out, emotional outbursts are not just for the living. If left invisible and without a speaking voice, spirits are left with minimal means of communicating with those who are alive. To try to express themselves to those who are alive, manifestations may do things like resort to turning pages in a book, flipping lights on and off, and moving items around the house. Due to the unpredictable nature of an entity's emotional state, be very wary of cohabiting. Without professional spiritual guidance, you could be in harm's way.

Because They Can

Supernatural beings do not necessarily have superpowers. For example, other than floating around invisibly and endlessly, an entity may only be able to speak one word aloud or open and close a door. Therefore, many spirits do what little they can only out of habit, routine, or boredom. In cases where a disembodied soul repeats a singular or set of actions repetitively, it may be more of an annoyance than a genuine threat. Establish their particular time patterns so you can best avoid being startled by them.

Territorial Disputes

It is an understatement to say that phantoms like their personal space. Many times ghostly beings need their specific location to exist. For this reason, haunted places can be fiercely and sometimes violently protected by sheer forces. In this instance, options for staying safe from a sinister soul who is defending his dominion include performing a professional exorcism to remove the spirit, demolishing the location, staying away, or moving out.

To recap, wraiths and otherworldly spirits use human objects for a large variety of reasons. Some are sinister, and some are not. But, because you are now more well informed about what motivates spirits to speak to us in their unique way, you can stay better protected from a potentially nefarious presence.

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